Atlantic Coast Timing Systems - Contractor License          4/1/2019 - 8:49 PM
       Richmond's Fred Hardy Invitational 2019 - 3/29/2019 to 3/30/2019        
                       Robins Stadium, Fred Hardy Track                        
                              Richmond, Virginia                               
Event 2  Men 100 Meter Dash Division I
      School: R 10.29  1978        John Christian                              
    Facility: F 10.29  1978        John Christian, VA State                    
        Meet: M 10.49  3/26/2016   Chris Royster, Unattached                   
        IC4A: I 11.00                                                          
    '18 East: * 10.37                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Lewis, Chrischand            La Salle                 10.78I -0.4  1       
  2 Willis, Jordan               Virginia                 11.08   0.3  2       
  3 Outlaw, Brandon              Virginia                 11.17  -0.8  3       
  4 Rogers, Erik                 Howard                   11.26   0.7  4       
  5 Dixon, Jake                  Virginia                 11.29  -0.8  3       
  6 Solomon, Matt                Lehigh                   11.35   0.3  2       
  7 Tapera, Samuel               Lehigh                   11.42   0.3  2       
  8 Jessup, Jahad                Howard                   11.79  -0.9  6       
  9 Dupree, Palmer               Unc-Greensboro           12.32  -0.6  5       
Event 2  Men 100 Meter Dash Non Division I
      School: R 10.29  1978        John Christian                              
    Facility: F 10.29  1978        John Christian, VA State                    
        Meet: M 10.49  3/26/2016   Chris Royster, Unattached                   
        IC4A: I 11.00                                                          
    '18 East: * 10.37                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Carroll, Davon               Bowie State              10.72I -0.4  1       
  2 Miles, Roland                Shippensburg             10.89I  0.3  2       
  3 Craig, Chris                 Shippensburg             10.94I -0.4  1       
  4 Cook, Stedman                Bowie State              10.95I -0.8  3       
  5 Casey, Ahman                 Unattached               11.01  -0.4  1       
  6 Wiley, Zorion                Virginia Union           11.04  -0.8  3       
  7 Hunter, Justin               Unattached               11.05  -0.4  1       
  8 Custodio, Felipe             Adelphi                  11.07  -0.4  1       
  9 Dracon, Doug                 Washington and Lee       11.10  -0.8  3       
  9 Mollick, Alexander           Johns Hopkins            11.10  -0.4  1       
 11 Fiore, Donovan               Washington and Lee       11.16   0.7  4       
 12 Stamford, Dreux              Shippensburg             11.27  -0.4  1       
 13 Suarez, Luis                 Regent University        11.30  -0.8  3       
 14 Bellia, Marcello             Adelphi                  11.37   0.3  2       
 15 James, T'Ziah                Old Dominion             11.39  -0.6  5       
 16 Imery, Ian                   Johns Hopkins            11.46  -0.8  3       
 17 Amoah, Nathaniel             Johns Hopkins            11.47   0.7  4       
 18 Roebuck, Jonathan            Concord                  11.48   0.7  4       
 19 Brown, Jonathon              Johns Hopkins            11.52   0.7  4       
 20 Lingard, Michael             Shippensburg             11.53   0.7  4       
 21 Parker, Kyree                Old Dominion             11.58   0.3  2       
 22 Huffman, Carter              Washington and Lee       11.65  -0.6  5       
 23 Williams, Xavier             Bowie State              11.66   0.7  4       
 24 Sanders, Josh                Virginia Union           11.77  -0.6  5       
 25 Hodge, Marvin                Adelphi                  11.79   0.3  2       
 26 Treutler, Ben                Johns Hopkins            11.85  -0.6  5       
 27 Thomas, Hunter               Concord                  11.86  -0.6  5       
 28 Lawrence, Alphonso           Virginia Union           11.87   0.7  4       
 29 Ray, Micah                   Roanoke                  11.93  -0.9  6       
 30 Rosenfelder, Camden          Roanoke                  11.97  -0.6  5       
 31 Williams, Grant              Roanoke                  11.98  -0.9  6       
 32 Jones, Jayvon                Roanoke                  12.13  -0.9  6       
 33 Joseph, Stephen              Ccbc Catonsville         12.37   0.3  2       
 34 Evans, Eric                  Mansfield                12.48  -0.6  5       
 35 Blunt, Jahlen                Virginia Union           12.49  -0.9  6       
 36 Miango, Johnny               Ccbc Catonsville         12.54  -0.8  3       
 37 McNeil, Vince                Mansfield                12.61  -0.9  6